ARAN determined to find solutions for the Automotive Trade Sector
ARAN considers extremely important to continue working on one of the main topics of its Agenda – to promote the creation of the new regulation and organization of the motor vehicle trade sector. A lot of work has been done during the last years and the focus on the proposals already presented to the Government, party leaders and all the political groups represented in the Parliament remains essential.
The main purpose of ARAN in this matter is to contribute to the definition of the new regulatory and organizational measures for this sector of activity, namely the creation of the” Professional Register of Resellers”, which is a final goal of the process.
ARAN considers that the current circumstances promote unfair competition and tax evasion, so the regulation of this sector of activity is essential for the development of the country's economy. As it is well known, the State's coffers are annually “damaged” in a very significant amount due to the lack of regulation and supervision of the sale of vehicles by persons or entities that are not legally constituted.
This position of ARAN is shared by a partner association - APDCA -Associação Portuguesa do Comércio Automóvel . Last March, a joint meeting was promoted at the Parliament to reinforce the necessity of urgent analysis of this matter.